17-year-old Cassandra returns home after being abducted for a year. What people don't know is that she was never kidnapped.
The police soon have doubts about her story. Not that she should be surprised. Cassandra and her friend, Paul, faked the whole thing. And Cassandra must protect herself even if it means having Paul confess to a crime he didn't commit. Cassandra is determined to keep her perfect life because people can never learn the real reason she pulled an elaborate stunt. To escape her abusive father.
Cassandra's new boyfreind, Chuck, and best friends Robbie, Elena, and Dylan also become tangled in her lies when she must tell them everything about her kidnapping debacle. Whether they tolerate her theatrics is another question.
If life weren't complicated enough, Cassandra must deal with her identical twin sister, Lucy. Cassandra left her behind while on the run, proving Lucy is the one person she should fear more than the cops.
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Chris Bedell's previous publishing credits include Thought Catalog, Entropy Magazine, Chicago Literati, and Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, among others. His debut YA Fantasy novel IN THE NAME OF MAGIC was published by NineStar Press in 2018. Chris's 2019 novels include his NA Thriller BURNING BRIDGES (BLKDOG Publishing), YA Paranormal Romance DEATHLY DESIRES (DEEP HEARTS YA), and YA Thriller COUSIN DEAREST (BLKDOG Publishing). His other 2020 novels include his YA Contemporary I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN (Deep Hearts YA), YA Thriller BETWEEN LOVE AND MURDER (Between The Lines Publishing), and YA Sci-fi DYING BEFORE LIVING (Deep Hearts YA). Chris also graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2016.