Ghostwriting Service Available

BLKDOG Publishing is delighted to announce a new service. We have become aware that there are many people out there who have fabulous stories to tell, either fiction or memoirs, who don’t have the time or the skill with words to tell them how they should be told. We have given this a lot of thought and can now announce that we can offer a ghosting service to anyone who feels that they have a story just itching to get into print.
Our first ‘ghost’ has several Sunday Times bestsellers under his belt (Survivor, Survivor on the River Kwai) and has specialised so far in military history (also including Last Gentleman of the SAS, Hess, the British Conspiracy) crime (The Secret Train Robber), history, crypto-science and fiction. He has worked on other titles where the ‘author’ prefers it not be known that there was a ghost and that is not a problem – ghosts are called ghosts for a reason!
Our second ‘ghost’ is involved in fiction only and examples of her work can be found in the Blkdog lists under the name Bethan White – Bethan is big on ideas but doesn’t have the time to do them justice so has been happy to collaborate with this ghost and doesn’t mind who knows it. However, if you prefer to keep the ‘ghosting’ secret, then our ghost won’t mind about that at all.
Ghosting does involve an up-front fee, but we don’t take any more from royalties or other payments. There is no need to acknowledge the ghost, though some people (see above) don’t mind doing so. The choice is yours. The fee is a very modest £1,500, with half payable before work begins and the remainder on completion. Generally, our ghosts are happy to Zoom (or Facetime or whichever platform you prefer) or speak on the phone, though written notes are also fine and if you have something partially complete, this can be the chosen method.
Don’t be shy about engaging a ghost. Many would say that the idea is the biggest part of any writing project and all you need is something to make it come into being. So if that memoir, story or other project is beginning to nag at you, drop us an email and we will pass it on to a ghost – let the haunting begin!