Consumed by Justin Alcala
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Sergeant Nathaniel Brannick is trapped in Victorian London during a period of disease, crime, and insatiable vices. One night, Brannick returns from work to find an eerie messenger in his flat who warns him of dark things to come.
When his next case involves a victim who suffered from consumption, he uncovers clues that lead him to believe the messenger's warning. Despite his incredulity, he can’t help but wonder if the practical man he once was has been altered by an investigation encompassed in the paranormal. That is, until he meets the witch hunters, and everything takes a turn for the worse.
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Justin Alcala is a novelist and nerdologist. He’s the author of the novels Consumed (BLKDOG Publishing), The Devil in the Wide City (Solstice Publishing) and Dim Fairytales (AllThingsThatMatterPress).
His short stories have been in dozens of anthologies and magazines including It Dances Now (Crimson Street Magazine) and The Offering (Horrified/Rogue Planet Press). When he’s not burning out his retinas in front of a computer, Justin is a passionate tabletop gamer. He’s also a blogger, folklore enthusiast and time traveler. He is an avid quester of anything righteous, from fighting dragons to acquiring magical breakfast eggs from the impregnable grocery fortress.
Most of Justin’s tales and characters take place in The Plenty Dreadful universe, a deranged supernatural version of the modern world. When writing, Justin enjoys immersing himself in the subject matter, from in-depth research to overseas travel. Much to the dismay of his family, he often locks himself away in his office-dungeon while playing themed videos and music over, and over, and over again. Justin currently resides with his dark queen, Mallory, their malevolent daughter, Lily, their fluffy Ragnarök bringing puppy, Fenrir, and their hellcat, Misery. Where his mind might be though is
anyone’s guess.